Configuration commands
Setup H.248 profile in IES-5106
To setup the VOP port, you need a template of H248 profile pre-configured, then,
apply it into specific port for phone communication.
You should have a voice account already set up and have VoIP information
from your VoIP service provider prior to configure MG account on to the unit.
MSC1024GB> profile voip h248 set
usage: set <profile> <mgc-ip>|<mgc-dn>
[mgcport <mgc-port>]
[mgc2 off|{on <mgc2-ip>|<mgc2-dn>}]
[mgc2port <mgc2-port>]
[transport udp|tcp]
[encode long|short]
[pbit <pbit>]
[dscp <dscp>]
[it <it>] [prefix <prefix> <start-num> <suffix-len>]
[softswitch DEFVAL|zxss10-ss|nortel-cs1500|nortel-cs2000] [vbd off|on]
[rtpport <start-rtp-port> <end-rtp-port>]
[dmtimeout <start-timeout> <short-timeout> <long-timeout>]
[retrantime <init-retrantime> <min-retrantime>
<max-retrantime> <retran-window>]
[rfc2833 off|{on <payload-type>}] [t38 off|on][forcever off|on]