| 3 3 5 0 S . 1 5 0 0 W . | O G D E N , U T A H — U . S . A . [ D E S I G N E D A N D M A D E B Y U S
All parts used within Definition Mk.IV are 100% recyclable. They do not contain any toxic
material. Any Zu product or part may be sent back to Zu, free of charge, for proper re-
use or disposal. Zu Definition Mk.IV loudspeakers are RoHS compliant (European Union’s
Directive 2002/95/EC, Restrictions of Hazardous Substances), and therefore do not contain
any of the following substances: mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), hexavalent chromium (Cr6+),
polybrominated biphenyls (PBB), or polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE). Additionally, Zu
Definition Mk.IV loudspeakers do not contain beryllium (Be). They are classified as a lifetime
life-cycle product and will most likely be in service for well over 50 years.
We at Zu take pride in hard work, innovation, engineering and manufacturing know-how, and at
the end of it, an honest, well built, kick-ass product. We also love to get out and enjoy life and
embrace all that the world has to offer.
Zu is sincere in its search for real environmental, human and ecology-friendly manufacturing;
no fluffy feel-good bullshit, just the real deal; and not because of some great googly moogly
“climate change” geopolitical power play nonsense. It’s simple isn’t it? People like being healthy
and enjoying blue skies, green hills and wildlife. We keep our impact to a minimum because we
get out and enjoy nature and don’t want to muck it up.
Zu makes good stuff, products that last, things you can pass down to your kids and their kids,
stuff that isn’t going to end up in landfills. Want to make a difference? Do a little research on
your own before you fall for hype, support a cause, discriminate, or purchase a product. The
people driving and building Zu believe that manufacturers and users have equal responsibility
and an obligation to their respective communities. Users and producers must search for real
solutions and maximize their positive impact on family, community, nature, and technology.