| 3 3 5 0 S . 1 5 0 0 W . | O G D E N , U T A H — U . S . A . [ D E S I G N E D A N D M A D E B Y U S
This new Zu driver delivers stunning attack, shove, resolution and bandwidth—as they should,
being lifted straight from our flagship loudspeaker, Dominance. Features include a maximal
motor for expanded dynamic contrast and reduced harmonic distortion; a lightweight neutrally
hung voice-coil assembly featuring a paper/Kapton former; a linear in-line layup of the inner
cone for best resolution of detail; a diamagnetic shorting assembly for dynamic damping of
the moving mass when playing at concert levels; nanotech paper cones designed to support
wide bandwidth; and a billet phase cone with concentric maximal length sequence diffusion
for smooth high frequencies. All this is anchored to a heavy cast aluminum alloy frame with
overbuilt bonded and riveted yoke/magnet/top-plate assembly.
In 2004 we began to experiment with cutting-edge DuPont nano-engineered coatings and
solids. The initial reasons were to realize the best possible gloss finish and one that would also
be far tougher. These nanotechnology engineered liquid solid ceramics, fibers and synthetic
resins performed as promised—so naturally we got busy experimenting on driver applications.
Here’s what we’ve achieved: the driver’s cone is a paper pulp substrate, processed with a liquid
solid matrix utilizing several nanoengineered materials. Some key components and compounds
include: nanosphere ceramics, synthetic epoxy, cristobalite, plus the use of amorphous fumed
silica and aircraft dope. The nano materials and application process reduce weight and increase
strength and propagation velocity without incurring any sacrifices in damping. The end results
are stunning—our new nano-sanctified full-range drivers sound dramatically better than any
previous generation Zu FRD. Expect to see a lot more of them!
We continue to watch and experiment with new fibers and mats as they are very promising,
especially what’s being done with buckypaper. For us however a tone-promising pulp-free
combination of these new materials has not yet been identified. Nothing has proven to be as
well behaved as natural fibers. There’s just something about paper. Its balance of strength,
propagation velocity and damping all contribute to that tone, texture and fidelity we pursue.
But add the right combination of old coating technologies plus nanoengineered materials and
adhesives... paper maintains its advantages well into the 21st century. For more info please see
the FAQ section of ZuAudio.com