5. If the connection is established successfully, the first programmable item will be displayed on LCD screen. It's ready to set the parameters now.
Note1: Please strictly connect according to the above sequence. The sequence of step 2 and step 3 can not be reversed. Otherwise, the LCD program card can not
work properly.
Note2: A separate power is needed if the ESC is without BEC.
Connect an additional power (5-12V) to the socket marked with ( ) on the left of the LCD program card for power supply. Please be sure that the polarity is
connected correctly.Plug the signal wire into the socket marked with( )first. Then connect an additional power (5-12V) to the socket marked with ( ). Then
switch on the ESC. If the sequence is wrong, LCD will not work properly.
Note3: The power supply should be lower than 12V, or the program card will be damaged.
Working as an individual device to program the ESC
Change the programmable items circularly;
Change the parameters of each programmable item circularly
Return to the default settings
Save the current parameters into the ESC. If you don't press “OK” button, the customized settings will not be saved and updated into the ESC. If you just press
“Menu” button, the customized settings are just saved into the program card, not into the ESC.
Firstly, enter the interface of a customized programmable item (e.g.: cut-off voltage 3.2/cell);
Secondly, press “Value” button to select the parameters;
At last, press “ok” button to save the parameters in the ESC.
Working as an USB adapter to link the ESC with a PC to update the firmware of ESC and set the parameters on PC.
ADD: 2/F, Block 1, Guanfeng Industrial park, The second Industrial Estate, Jiuwei new village,
Xixiang, Baoan, Shenzhen, China, 518126
TEL: +86 755 29120026, 29120036, 29120056
FAX: +86 755 29120016
E-mall: [email protected] / [email protected]
Web: www.ztwoem.com
If the data connection between LCD and ESC is failed, the LCD Screen is always showing (Ready to connect ESC); Please check if signal wire is connected correctly; if
not repeat step1-3.