RSU82 User Manual
2.2 Software Architecture
The software subsystem of the RSU82 includes the software module at the bottom layer
of a board, L2/L3 based on the Linux operating system, and the application software, as
shown in
Figure 2-2 Software Architecture
The software modules at the bottom layer of a board include the Board Support
Package (
), Digital Signal Processing (
), and Field Programmable Gate
Array (
) modules.
The BSP&OS module initializes the system hardware, and provides the driving
interface function.
The DSP module interacts with CPU module, interacts control and data with the
FPGA module, extracts and updates pre-distortion parameters, tests on faults,
and provides alarms.
The FPGA module transmits and receives control and data streams with the BSP
or DSP.
The Operation Support Subsystem (
) is the support layer of the whole software
architecture, providing such software functions as scheduling, timer, memory
management, inter-module communication, sequence control, monitoring, alarms,
and logs, and a hardware-unrelated platform to run the system software.
The Operation, Administration and Maintenance (
) provides such functions as
version management, alarm management, diagnosis management, configuration
management, tool management, performance management, system management,
dynamic data management, and communication management.
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