Touch Input Settings
You can configure the touch input settings by tapping the
Menu Key > Settings >
Language & keyboard
from Home Screen.
Select language
Select the language you used.
TouchPal keyboard
Keypress sound
: Enables the sound feedback as you touch on the keyboard.
Keypress vibration
: Enables vibration feedback as you touch on the keyboard.
Keypress popup
: Enable or disable popup effect for keypress.
Alternative symbols
: Show alternative symbol on buttons. Slide-down or long-
press to input.
Keyboard layout
: Set portrait/landscape layout and others.
Smart input
: Set keyboard intelligence for western languages.
: Setup Multilanguage keyboard.
Share with your friends
: Choose one action to share Touchpal input method
with your friend.
: View the TouchPal version information
Android keyboard
Vibrate on keypress
: Enables vibration feedback as you touch on the keyboard.
Sound on keypress
: Enables the sound feedback as you touch on the keyboard.
Popup on Keypress
Enable or disable
popup effect for keypress.
Touch to correct words
: Enable or disable correct words as you touch the en-
tered words.
: Select the check box to capitalize the fist letter of each sen-
tence automatically.
Show settings key
: Choose the show settings key mode.
Voice input
: Set the voice recognition options.
Input languages
: Select the input language.