9.4 Delete Call Log
You can delete the Missed Calls, Dialed Calls, Received Calls or Delete All.
9.5 Call Time
To view the duration of your incoming and outgoing calls, select [Menu->Call
History->Call Time].
Last Call Time:
Display Last Call Time;
Total Sent:
Display Total Sent Time;
Total Received:
Display Total Received Time;
Reset All Time:
Let the times into zero.
10. Alarm
In the idle, press the Menu Key to select [Alarm].
You can set 6 Alarm.
In the Edit Alarm interface, you can set On or Off, Time, Repeat, Snooze, Alert Type.
11. Organizer
In the idle, press the Menu Key to select [Organizer] to display the menu: Calendar, To
Do List, Calculator, Currency Converter, World Clock, Sound Recorder.
You can view calendar, press the left soft key “Option”to View Tasks, Jump To Date.
View Tasks:
You can view tasks list or add tasks.
Jump To Date:
Input date to jump to date.
11.2 To Do List
In this menu, you can keep track of your Reminder, Meetings, Course, Date, Call or
Anniversary. You can also set a calendar alarm to remind you of upcoming events.
11.3 Calculator
You can press the keypad to operate.