Channel Setting
You can set topic detection. You may Select, Add, Edit, Delete.
8.4 Services
You can enjoy network services.
9. Call History
The phone will save the last 20 phone numbers of Missed Calls, Dialed Calls, Received
Calls. In the log, for each communication event, you can see the sender or recipient name,
phone number, time and times.
Select Option you can Delete, Save to Phone Book, Dial or Edit.
The default limit is 20 logs, when the limit is reached, the oldest log is deleted.
9.1 Missed Calls
If you have a Missed Calls, in the idle will display “ Missed Call !”, press the left soft key
to read the phone number.
To view a list of the last 20 phone number from which somebody has tried to call you, select
[Menu->Call History].
1. In the list, select Missed Calls;
2. Select a phone number->OK->Option
Delete the current log;
Save to Phone book:
Save the phone number to Phone Book;
Dial the current number;
Edit the current number.
9.2 Dialed Calls
To view the 20 phone numbers that you have most recently called or attempted to call,
select [Menu->Call History->Dialed Calls].
9.3 Received Calls
To view a list of the last20 phone numbers or names from which you have most recently
accepted calls, select[ Menu->Call History->Received Calls].