the opposite direction), it is necessary to reverse the sense of rotation of the actuator output shaft by interchanging
two (of three) connected phase conductors U, V, W (e.g. the phase conductor connected to the terminal U should be
reconnected to the terminal W and the conductor connected to the terminal W to the terminal U). Then, the check of
the sense of rotation should be repeated. Finally, the actuator is fitted on the valve and set in compliance with
the following procedure.
The setting is best accomplished using the manual control. It is recommended to check the switching of
the micro-switches on and off using a glow-lamp or another appropriate tester of low voltage up to 24 V.
After setting the actuator, its function should be checked using the control circuit. First, check that the actuator is
starting up correctly and that, after switching off particular switch, there is no voltage on the electric motor. In the
opposite case, the power supply of the actuator should be disconnected immediately to prevent damaging the actu-
ator. Subsequently, the cause of an incorrect function should be identified.
It is prohibited to use the actuators with parameters exceeding the values stated in these instructions.
It is prohibited to dismantle, repair and service the actuator under voltage. Before starting dismantling the actua-
tor, make sure that the actuator is disconnected from power supply and that a table reading “Do not switch on, work
in progress“ is placed on the control panel. Before connection, assembly, setting and putting into operation, the actu-
ator must be earthed in a reliable way. During setting, repairing and servicing the actuator, it is necessary to observe
the safety regulations applicable to the building where setting, assembly, connection, and putting the actuator into
operation is carried out and where it is operated. Assembly and control of the actuators can only be carried out by
a specially trained technician acquainted with the technical description and instructions for using the actuators (these
instructions) and who has passed training on labour safety.
Important warning
On closing the thermal protection located in the electric motor (except for electric motor of power 120 W),
it should be born in mind that, if there is feeding voltage on the electric motor terminals, the actuator is automatically
started after the thermal protection has cooled down.
Periodicity of preventative inspections and repairs is given in section BASIC TECHNICAL DATA of these
instructions. The preventative inspections are carried out with the aim of detecting defects that can be identi-
fied visually. The inspection should include checking of conditions of cable connections and cables, and veri-
fication of reliability of fastening of the actuator to the valve; the fastening elements should be tightened as
necessary (this inspection should be carried out within 6 months at the latest from putting the actuator into
operation and then at least once a year). During repairing the actuator, it is necessary to replace
damaged and worn-out parts of the actuator.
For the whole period of the actuator operation, there is no need to replace the lubricant. In case the lubricant is to
be refilled during repairs and replacement of parts that require lubrication, the lubricant MOLYKOTE 165LT, COUPLING
GREASE 0-1 or CIATIM-221 should be used.
The actuators can be transported in enclosed vehicles to any distance.
In case of the nuclear power plant “Kudankulam“, marine transport of actuators is acceptable.
During transportation, the actuators should be transferred in such a way that damage to the actuators and their
packing is prevented.
Transport and storage conditions 6 (OŽ2) according to GOST 15150-69 at temperature from -50 °C to +50 °C,
unless otherwise stated in the order. Maximum relative humidity during storage is 80 %.