C9154 Installation - pg. 10
Figure 15
Reconnect the upper and lower steering shaft halves. Align the mark made dur
ing disassembly. Fasten with the factory bolt and torque hardware to 40 ft-lbs.
Reattach the ground wire to the stud on the firewall. Fasten with the original nut
and torque to 10 ft-lbs.
Install the new 1.25” fan shroud relocation brackets (w/1/4" studs) to the origi
nal shroud mounting holes using the stock bolts
Figure 16
. Install the brackets so
the studs point toward the engine compartment. Torque hardware to 10 ft-lbs.
Figure 16
Mount the fan shroud on the relocation bracket studs and fasten with the
provided 1/4” nuts and washers. Torque to 5 ft-lbs.
Working from the bottom of the fan shroud, pull the wire loom out away from
the fan shroud.
Figure 17A
Locate the provided lower fan shroud brackets (2) and
position them as shown.
Figure 17B
The lower horizontal shroud lip should rest
just below the core support and the shroud pulled tight forward. Use the brack
ets to mark the position of the holes to be drilled.
Step 32,35 Note
Upper and lower fan shroud hard
ware is located in hardware pack