Counter menu is used to checking the counters for compaction cycles number, engine running
time etc. To reset the counters, press and hold button
Fig. 3.8 Counter menu
Number of counters can vary depending on installed options. Daily time is counted in
minutes, total time is counted in hours.
Service interval
days left
Number of days until next service inspection
Service interval
hours left
Number of work hours until next service inspection
Greasing low
working time
The counter value is increased when a low grease level
is detected and there is a need for oil by any function.
Compaction cycles number
Daily and total value of the counter is increased every
time slider start moving up
Emptying cycles number
Daily and total value of the counter is increased every
time systems detects open position of tailgate
Lifter cycles number
Daily and total value of the counter is increased every
time lifter is lowered
The number of kilometers
The number of kilometers traveled is taken from the
chassis via the CAN connection.