© Copyright 2010 Zoeller Co. All rights reserved.
1. Pumps are constructed of class 30 cast iron with pow der coat ed
epoxy protection for long life when pump ing sewage in submersible
2. Pump motors are available in single and three phase design.
3. The Hazardous Environmental Pump is a single seal design and
has seal leak probes. Single phase units have an internal thermal
overload. Three phase pumps have a thermal sensor. A moisture
sensor seal fail circuit is incorporated into the control panel required
for nonautomatic pumps. Moisture sensor indicator panel, 10-1031,
is recommended but not required for automatic pump models.
4. Three phase pumps require overload protection in the control
1. Contractor shall furnish all labor, material, equip ment and
incidentals required for installation of hazardous environmental
2. Installation and piping instructions are in clud ed with the rail system
and basin in struc tions. If pump is being retrofi tted to an ex ist ing
rail sys tem, accessory parts may be re quired. Consult the factory
and advise make and model of rail system being used.
3. All electrical connections including pump to con trol box and
power supply to control pan els must comply with the “National
Electrical Code” and applicable local codes. In stal la tion of elec tri cal
panels and connections should be made by a qual i fi ed licensed
elec tri cian.
4. When installing a pump with a check valve, or a rail system with
a check valve, you must give the pump case time to fi ll to help
prevent air lock when lowering the unit into the liquid. The 6404/6405
pump case has an air vent located behind the dis charge. This air
vent is across the pump housing mount ing surface and must be
cleaned before each re in stall. An air vent hole (3/16") must be
drilled in dis charge pipe below the check valve to help prevent air
lock. This drilled hole must be cleaned before each re in stall. After
the pump is installed, run the unit submerged to assure the pump
case is fi lled (Water should come out of 3/16" di am e ter hole).
General Information