Rough-in (stand-alone installation)
1) Positionthepumpunitaminimumof 3 mm (1/8")
from the wall with the inlet facing forward.Attach
the bellows to the inlet using the worm drive
clamp provided.
2) Place the toilet in front of pump unit aligning the
discharge of the toilet with the inlet of the pump
unit. Make sure that the bellows will bridge the
gap adequately for
installation. The toilet
tank should be a minimum of 13 mm (1/2") from
the wall.
3) Lightly mark the locations of the pump unit, toilet
and closet bolt locations on the
mark the wall with the height of the pump unit
and the
bottom and sides of the toilet tank to
ensure against interference from pipe runs later.
4) Remove the toilet from the pump unit and set
it aside.
Rough-in (built-in / behind the wall installation)
1) Installing the grinder unit behind
a wall will require an extensionkit
(P/N 10-3050) sold separately.
2) Place the toilet assembly a
minimum of 13 mm (1/2") from
the wall and mark the closet bolt
locations on the
3) Measure the appropriate length
of 3-1/2" Schedule 40 PVC pipe
provided with the extension kit
and cut it to length. See sketch
at right.
4) Set toilet aside.
Toilet assembly is top
heavy. Take special precautions to
ensure that toilet does not tip over and
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