H0426500.C - EN - 2016-01
❸ Use
3.1 I Operati ng principle
The cleaner is independent of the fi ltrati on system and simply connected to the mains and so can operate autonomously.
It fi nds the best route to move around and clean the areas of the pool for which it has been designed (depending on the
model: bott om, walls, water line). Debris is sucked in and stored in the cleaner's fi lter.
The control box enables the cleaning operati ons to be started, selected and programme (depending on the model).
3.2 I Pool preparati on
• This product is intended to be used in pools which are permanently installed. Do not use it in
pools which may be dismantled. A permanent pool is built into the ground or on the ground
and cannot be easily dismantled and stored.
• The device must operate in pool water with the following properti es:
Water temperature
Between 15°C and 35°C
Between 6.8 and 7.6
< 3 mg/ l
• When the pool is dirty, especially when commissioning, remove the largest debris using a net in order to opti mise the
device's performances.
• Remove any thermometers, toys and other objects that might damage the device.
3.3 I Immersing the cleaner
• Roll out the full length of the cable alongside the pool to avoid the cable becoming entangled during immersion (see
image )
• Place the cleaner verti cally into the water (see image ).
• Move it slightly in all directi ons so that the air contained in the cleaner escapes (see image ).
• It is essenti al that the device sinks on its own and sett les on the pool bott om. While it is immersed, the cleaner draws
the length of cable it needs into the pool (see image ).