TSic LABkit™ User Manual and Technical Description
LABkit, Rev.2.4, Oct. 18, 2005
Page 6 of 18
© ZMD AG & IST AG, 2005
All rights reserved. The material contained herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior
written consent of the copyright owner.
The Settings dialog window can also be used to specify the measurement frequency and the recording interval
for the text file and to change the title.
Troubleshooting Note: If clicking the Start button has no effect, which is indicated by the Stop button remaining
gray and no recording of data in the specified file, there could be a problem with access rights to the specified
directory and file.
Step 4
: To import temperature measurement data into Microsoft® Excel® for processing, open Excel® and
from the menu, select Data
Get External Data
Import Data. Locate and select the text file. Follow
the dialog boxes as needed to select the comma and semicolon as the delimiters. Then click “Finish” to
display the data in an Excel® worksheet. Data for each sensor should be listed in a separate column.
Data can now be analyzed in Excel®. See section 8.2 for more details.
The Main Window for TSic Recorder™
Measurement Values
Temperature units are °F or °C as selected in the Settings dialog window. See section 4.4.
The display interval for the minimum, maximum and average readings for the sensor measurements is selected
in the Settings dialog window. See section 4.4.
The Raw Value readings are the decimal values output by the TSic™ sensors. Conversion into °C or °F values
is based on the conversion table or formula (0 = min value; 2047 = max value) for the specified TSic™ sensor.
Trigger Button
Clicking the Trigger button triggers a single measurement of the selected channels. It is only active when
“Manual” is selected in the pull-down menu for Reading Interval under the Settings dialog window.
The Trigger button is inactive for all other options in the Reading Interval pull-down menu.
Reset Buttons
Each Reset button resets all values for the sensor data column above it.
The Reset All button resets all values for all data columns.
Measurement, Date, Time, Text 1, Text 2, and Text 3 Check Boxes
Check the boxes of the information to be recorded in the text file in addition to the sensor data. For Text 1,
Text 2, and Text 3, enter text up to 31 digits. This optional text will be displayed as the file heading at the
beginning of the text file.
Start and Stop Buttons:
To record data in the designated text file, click the Start button. Click the Stop button to end recording. If Start is
clicked again, data is appended to the existing text file if “Continue File” is selected in the Settings dialog
window. The file is overwritten if “Overwrite File” is selected.
Settings Button
To change the configuration, click Settings, which opens the Settings dialog window. See section 4.4.
Click the Exit button to close the program. All settings changes will be saved.