My range hood will not operate.
1. Check that there is power to the range hood. The most common issue is that the
circuit breaker is off or the fuse has blown.
2. Make sure the speed has been selected at the range hood controls.
3. Turn off the power to the range hood and check that all wires are properly
connected. Refer to your specific model’s installation instructions for proper
My hood is making a rattling noise.
This is probably attributed to one of the following:
1. The motor is loose—Turn off the power and remove the filter and check that all
screws are secure and tight around the motor.
2. The duct work connection is loose—Turn off the power to the unit and check that
the ductwork connection to the pipe is tight. Add duct tape if necessary.
My range hood does not have power.
1. Check electrical connections.
2. Check that all connections to the circuit board are secure.
3. If problem still exists, please call our customer service line.