©2017 Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics
Date: 2017/05/22
User Manual
Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics Co., Ltd.
CAN-bus recording analyzer
CANREC User Manual
Dimensions: 220×331.5×109.2mm (mm).
5.2 Device Type Naming
Professional version: CANREC-Pro
2-channel message and waveform storage, 6-channel message storage; it can
export data to PC for offline analysis and connect with PC for online analysis.
Standard version: CANREC-Standard
2-channel message and waveform storage, 6-channel message storage; it can
export data to PC for offline analysis.
Basic version: CANREC-Basic
8-channel message storage; it can export data to PC for offline analysis.
5.3 Front Panel
Figure 5- 2 shows the front panel of CANREC. Users can switch on/off and initialize
the device as well as view the operating status of device.
Figure 5- 2: Front panel
5.4 Back Panel
Figure 5- 3 shows the back panel of CANREC. All function interfaces are integrated
on it.