6 FBL6000 Pro series installation guide
4 Menu Operation
There are four keys on the control panel, including "UP", "DOWN", "ENT", and "ESC". Press “ENT” to
modify settings, press "UP" and "DOWN" button to select a function, and press ”ESC” to exit.
The menu has the following options:
1. Passing mode
Two-way swipe (default)
Left free, Right swipe
Left swipe, Right free
Two-way free
Left prohibit, Right swipe
Left swipe, Right prohibit
Left prohibit, Right free
Left free, Right prohibit
Two-way prohibit
2. Opening speed
Low speed
Medium speed (default)
High speed
3. Closing speed
Low speed
Medium speed (default)
High speed
4. Volume setting
Volume: off
The value ranges from 1 to 16 (default 5).
1 is the minimum value; 16 is the maximum value.
5. Opening duration
After the gate is opened, it will be automatically closed if no one passes through within a certain
duration. The default value is 10 seconds. The value ranges from 5 to 60.
6. Reset the counter
Out counter
Into the counter
All (default)