ZKS Group Company Limit
ZKS Group Company Limited
Address: No 552 Dong Zhou Road, Shanghai China
TEL: +86-21-67679389 FAX: +86-21-67679336
only the admin can open the door. The red and green light will shine alternately
to hint you if the lock is lockup.
2.3 Cancel Anti-Lockup
Press down【 】
【 】at the same time for 3 seconds at the back lock panel, you will hear
Di from lock, this means anti-lock has cancelled.
2.4 Normal Open
Open the door by fingerprint, card or password, the green light on lock panel will turn
on, after you hear ‡ Di┈┈Di┈┈ • from the lock, please press【 】button at the back panel
for more than 3 seconds, then you will hear ‡ Di┈┈Di┈┈• from the lock, at this time the
lock has entered into normal open mode.
2.5 Cancel Normal Open
Press down【 】【 】at the same time for 3 seconds at the back of lock panel, you will
hear• Di┈┈• from lock, this means Normal Open has cancelled already.
2.6 Lower Voltage Prompt
When you open the door at every time, the lock give the rapid ‡ Di┈┈Di┈┈Di┈┈•
short ring to you, this hints you to change a new battery.
2.7 Force Lockup
Press down【 】button at the lock of back panel, after you will hear ‡ Di┈┈Di┈┈• from
this lock, Force lockup function has enabled already.
2.8 Prompt Sound Collecting
When you operate the door lock, you will hear some voice prompt, such as following:
1. Correct or valid prompt: a short prompt ‡ Di┈┈Di┈┈• .
2. Wrong or invalid prompt: 2 times long prompt ‡ Di┈┈Di┈┈•
3. Open the door successfully: a long prompt, then a short prompt, ‡ Di┈┈Di┈┈• .
4. Close the door: a short prompt, then a long prompt, ‡ Di┈┈Di┈┈•
5. Give alarm: long ringing from lower to higher for 4 times repeatedly,
similar as police
car alarm.
6. Low Voltage: 3 times rapid short sound ‡ Di┈┈Di┈┈Di┈┈• .
7. Waiting: 2 times short sound• Di┈┈Di┈┈• .
8. Exit: 2 short prompt, then a long prompt, ‡ Di┈┈Di┈┈Di┈┈• .