3. Select and check NPollut to automatically silence compatible sounders 20
minutes after activation.
4. Press F4 (Enter), and then press F1 (Back).
5. Press F1 (Save), F3 (Apply), F4 (Discard), or F2 (Exit).
Remember to apply saved settings from the Main menu.
Performing walk tests
Select Sounders walk test to perform walk tests for compatible sounders using
the optional magnetic wand accessory (not supplied).
To change the configuration:
1. Select Test from the Main menu, and then select Sounders walk test.
2. Select the loop where the sounders are located, and then press the jog dial to
enable walk test mode for the loop.
While the loop is in walk test mode, use the magnetic wand to locally test
each of the loop sounders.
3. When you have finished, press the jog dial again to exit loop walk test mode.
4. Press F1 (Back) or F2 (Exit).
Adjusting the volume
Select Snd volume walk confg to locally set the volume level for compatible
sounders using the optional magnetic wand accessory (not supplied).
To change the configuration:
1. Select Field setup from the Main menu, and then select Snd Vol Walk Confg.
A list of compatible sounders displays, indicating the device address and
current volume setting.
Move from sounder to sounder and use the magnetic wand to manually adjust
the volume to the required level.
2. When you have finished, press F4 (Enter), and then press F1 (Back).
3. Press F1 (Save), F3 (Apply), F4 (Discard), or F2 (Exit).
Remember to apply saved settings from the Main menu.