Z.I.P.P.E.R Maschinen Austria
Seite 22
Bedienungsanleitung ZIPPER Betonglätter ZI-BG100
Change motor oil
Best performed 20 minutes after operation.
Place oil pan under drain screw
Loosen and remove drain screw
Let motor oil drain completely – dispose environmentally
Fill in new motor oil into the oil filler plug up to lower
edge of filler.
Tighten the plug firmly.
Clean Air Filter
A polluted air filter causes problems when starting the combustion engine, it leads to loss of
power output and to engine failure.
A air filter not maintained properly reduces your engine`s lifespan dramatically. ZIPPER MA-
schinen can not be hold liable for warranty claims due to engine defects caused by insuffi-
cient air filter maintenance.
In order to clean the air filter loosen and remove first the wing screw oft he air filter cover.
Remove the air filter cover and take out the air filter.
Clean the air filter parts mechanically!
Wipe the surface off with a solvent consisted of three parts Diesel and one part motor oil.
Drop motor oil onto the air filter, excess motor oil shall be removed from the air filter by
wringing it out.
Clean spark plug
Clean the spark plug with a brush from
carbonic and other disposal. The space
between the contacts shall amount 0,6-
Demount the throttle lever from the steering hand-
le.Drain motor oil and gear oil completely. Pack the ma-
chine back into it`s packaging.