Z.I.P.P.E.R Maschinen Austria
Seite 17
Bedienungsanleitung ZIPPER Betonglätter ZI-BG100
Beware of hot machine parts!
Carburator, engine, engine cover be-
come hot during operation
Do not touch! – Burn Hazard!
Do not cover the machine immediately
after operation with a plastic or cloth
Do not stock paperboard, carton, paper
or other easily flammable materials near
the storage place of the ZI-BG100.
The hot machine parts might origin a
Keep unauthorized people away
from the machine!
Machine may be operated only by quali-
fied persons with age 18+
Special risks and dangers when working with concrete
Damage to health through Vibration
A long continuous use of the Power trowel may lead to problems with the blood circulation of
the hands:
Make regularily work breaks
Wear proper working gloves to reduce vibration impact.
Danger sources of the working environment
Take especially care at construction sites when working near unsecured construction pits. The
assessment of sufficient working security and the operation of the machine is solely the oper-
ator’s responsibility.
Noise level hazard
Excessive noise levels lead to hearing disorders and to temporary or permanent deafness.
Always wear ear protection (certified according to relevant Working and safety regulations of
the European Union) in order to reduce the noise level!