806835 v1.00 12.20 G5 User guide
SECTION 3: Command Centre Screen
3.5.6 Quiet mode
Lowering the fan speed can reduce noise. Increasing it
may improve chilling performance.
Residential models: 75% / 100% / Auto (default).
Commercial models: 100% (default) / Auto.
3.5.7 Advanced settings 1
12:12 PM
Periodic Pulse Reduced Cavitation Mode
Hot setpoint must be < 98°C to disable
Pre-pulse Reduced Cavitation Mode
Adds slight delay to boiling dispense
Power Pulsing Mode
Hot setpoint must be < 98.5°C to disable
Periodic Pulse Reduced Cavitation Mode
Sends two electric pulses every 5 minutes to the pump.
This prevents the build-up of air bubbles inside the pump
to ensure an even flow of hot water at the tap.
Pre-Pulse Reduced Cavitation Mode
Pulses immediately be-fore boiling dispense to prevent the
build-up of air bubbles inside the pump and ensure an even
flow of hot water at the tap. There will be a 150 millisecond
delay before water is dispensed.
Power Pulsing Mode
Applies a closer tolerance to the set temperature, to
ensure hot water is maintained as closely as possible to the
set point.
In rare occurrences, enabling this feature may cause the tap
lights to flicker during the boiling water recovery period.