Subnet mask
This is the subnet mask of this domain. The default value is
Primary DNS
This is the primary DNS server for the LAN PCs.
Secondary DNS
This is the second DNS server for the LAN PCs.
Default Gateway
This is the default gateway for the LAN PCs.
Lease Time
This is the DHCP lease time. When it is short, the IP
release/renew of the LAN will be faster but the network
congestion will be more.
You can manually assign the IP Address to the certain PCs.
Enter the MAC Address and IP Address in the table.
802.1d Spanning
Enable this function to prevent the broadcast storm in the
Enable this function to support LLTD (Link Layer Topology
Discovery) for Windows Vista. It shows the status of
connection in the Windows Vista.
IGMP Proxy
Enable this option to provide the relay of Multicast.
Enable this option to active the function. The UPNP
application such as MSN messenger detects and setup
through UPNP.
DNS Proxy
Enable this option to perform DNS relay. The hosts in the
LAN can set the DNS server to this device, and this device
forwards the DNS request to the remote DNS server in the
WAN. The built-in DNS catch in the device can also help to
check the domain name. To match this function, the primary
DNS server should be set to the LAN to utilize this function.