Function-Decoders MX681, MX685, MX686, MX687, MX688 Page 17
Default Description
Bit 4 - Individual speed table:
0 = off, CV # 2, 5, 6, are active.
1 = on, according to CV ‘s # 67 – 94
Bit 5 - Decoder address:
0 = primary address as per CV #1
1 = ext. address as per CV #17+18
With the help of
bidirectional communication
according to RailCom or the alternative
future method it will possible that:
decoders can acknowledge received commands -
- which increases operational reliability and the bandwidth of DCC systems because already
acknowledged commands don’t need to be sent repeatedly;
date information is sent to the command station (“global detector”) -
e.g. “real” (measured) train speed, motor load, routing and position codes, “fuel reserves”, current
CV values, etc. are sent on demand from decoders to a command station or more precisely, to a
global detector
in the command station;
decoder addresses are recognized by “local” detectors -
- the actual loco positions are determined by local detectors connected to individual track sections (in-
tegrated in future track section modules), which has also been possible for over two decades with
ZIMO’s own loco number recognition (without RailCom), but only with ZIMO components.
RailCom will be further developed over the coming years and add new applications, which of course
require new software updates in decoders and other equipment. All ZIMO decoders as of 2009 are
able to send their own loco address from an insulated track sections (with a so called broadcast
method, very fast, although only for one loco in that section), send CV content on demand along with
some decoder data such as actual speed in km/h, load and decoder temperature.
RailCom in ZIMO Decoders is activated with
CV #29, Bit 3 = 1
CV #28 = 3
These are usually default settings on a new decoder, but RailCom is turned off by default in many
sound projects or OEM CV sets and must therefore be activated first with the CVs mentioned above.
“RailCom“ is a registered trademark of Lenz Elektronik GmbH.
Operating with Märklin MOTOROLA Systems
See loco decoder manual!
ZIMO Decoder - Software Update
See MXULF manual!
Calculation of the long second loco address:
Programming the second loco address works like for the first address, except that for the first, the
system automatically calculates the corresponding values for CVs #17 & #18. CVs #67 & #68 have to
be calculated by the user. This is done with the following formula:
CV 67 = desired address / 256
only the digits BEFORE the point
+ 192
CV 68 = desired address - ((CV 67 - 192) * 256)
Example: the
desired address
CV 67
= 10111/256 +192 = 39+192 =
CV 68
= 10111-[(231-192)*256] = 10111-(39*256) = 10111-9984 =
Alternatively it is possible to program the desired long second address into CVs #17 & #18 (for the
first address) and have the system convert it. Then write the converted values of CV #17 & #18 into
CVs #67 & #68. Afterwards, the user has to reprogram the first long address (if it was used).