Page 24 MX31 Cab, MX31FU Radio Cab
MENU Display colors .
Display and LED colors
> Display green 143
Display red 221
Selecting the respective line causes the cab to display the
Display yellow
corresponding color; moving the speed slider changes the
Key-LED’s green 185
numerical value between 0…255.
Key-LED’s red 142
Yellow is the result of the red/green combinations and
Key-LED’s yellow
therefore requires no separate adjustment.
A Accept E Escape .
MENU Ambient light sensor
Display / LED brightness depends on ambient light
dark bright outdoor
All displayed percentages can be reached by scrolling and
> Display 30 100 100
modified with the speed slider
It is advisable to make
FU 30 30 0
changes under actual ambient lighting conditions (“bright“,
LED’s 80 80 100
dark“). It may be practical to turn the display off outdoors
FU 50 60 100
or even under „bright“ conditions (value 0) in order to
A Accept E Escape
save battery power when operating in radio mode.
MENU Language
Display language selection
> Deutsch
The stored languages are displayed and the currently selected
language identified with a check mark, select a different
language with the scroll wheel and actuate with the A key.
A Accept E Escape .
MENU Local Clock
Select and set the “local fast clock”
> Set to 00:00
Set to __ : __
The local clock is displayed after entering data in one of
Ratio 1: __
the lines and accepting it with the A key.
Display local clock
x Display global clock
A Accept E Escape .
planned for SW-Version 1.20: