Switch 7 ON:
Output PROG is limited to 1 A, normally it is limited to
3 A for MX1 and 8 A for MX1HS).
9. The auxiliary inputs (shuttle, AOS… )
Switch 7 and 8 ON:
Service mode programming is locked! Prevents start of the
programming process by mistake; useful for MX1HS, where the PROG output is
r to the track only during a programming
tion mode are used
on the MX1 or
… on the MX1EC …
he command stations are equipped with 8 inputs that can be used with track switches or other ex-
rnal input components such as reed switches etc. One of the pins is a 5V output that can be used
supply external switches with the necessary voltage; however, any other positive voltage (up to
used alternatively as a normal track output (”SCHIENE 2”).
Switch 8 ON:
Output provides powe
procedure; driving on the programming track that is normally possible is locked;
may be useful if unsure about the proper installation of a decoder – less chance
of destroying the decoder.
All switches ON:
Erases command station memory; useful if unexplainable
malfunctions point to a possible messed up memory.
… If “old” ZIMO decoders operating in the 8-func
IMO decoders were delivered in the 8-function mode until the year 2002; if these decoders should
in 2003)
IAG jumper).
Bring the VAR switch or jumper in the desired position; the position the
-function mode is
well as the non-working
ode described above should only be used in ex-
not or can not be switched to the 12-function mode the command station, which (beginning
has always been delivered with the 12-function mode on, can be switched to the 8-function
with the following procedure (“general switch-over” of all addresses).
>> Turn off command station (unplug transformer from main); with the un-powered command sta-
Place the DCC, MOT, VAR switches to OFF and the DIAG switch to ON
(with a MX1EC pull the DCC, MOT, VAR jumpers and install the D
>> Turn on command station (plug-in transformer); with the command station powered up:
switch or jumper is left in deteremines the selected mode:
OFF (or jumper pulled) = 8-function / ON (jumper installed) = 12-function mode.
>> Power down the command station within 10 seconds, place all switches
or jumpers to the normal position (i.e. DCC ON).
>> Command station is ready to resume normal operation.
- or 12
NOTE: A disagreement between the system and decoders regarding the 8
noticed by functions 5 – 8 not operational (not just functions 9 and up!) as
MAN-Bit function!
The “general switch-over” to the (old) 8-function m
ceptional cases; an address specific adjustment is the better choice (either in the decoder with CV
#112 or the system through the cab).
(9-pin socket) (10-pin socket)
24V) can also be used to trigger these inputs (i.e. track voltage, which is the case when track
switches are used).
By default (alterable by configuration variables), the first 7 inputs are programmed for shuttle train
operation, switch ladder actuation or as “event inputs” for automatic operating sequences (AOS).
Regarding the allocation of shuttle train inputs: see MX31 manual; stop-over times during shuttle
train operations: see CV’s #41 – 56 in this manual. For definition and operation of AOS’ see chapter
“AOS – Automatic Operating Sequences”, CV’s #100, 101 below and the MX31 manual.
The eighth (last) input can be used (by default) for connecting a panic button that initiates an emer-
gency stop of all locomotives when actuated. Any positive voltage can be used as input, i.e. the 5V
from pin 1 or from the track.