In-Circuit Emulator
User Manual
R Reset emulator
8. Use the I command to change the Z8 Encore! XP
F64xx Series ICE
IP address to one that is compatible with the PC. Use caution to avoid
creating a conflicting IP address.
9. Use the S command to change the Z8 Encore! XP
F64xx Series ICE
subnet mask to one that is compatible with the PC. Typically, the sub-
net mask is the same as that of the PC.
10. Use the G command to change the Z8 Encore! XP
F64xx Series ICE
Gateway to one that is compatible with the PC. Typically, the gateway
is the same as that of the PC.
11. Use the C command to verify the new settings.
12. Exit HyperTerminal.
13. Cycle the power on the Z8 Encore! XP
F64xx Series ICE for the
new settings to take effect.
The hardware is now configured and ready for application development.
Running a Sample Project
After installing the ZDS II software and setting up the hardware, you can
run a sample software project to verify proper emulator operation and
experiment with the trace and event system. The sample project ice- is included in the ZDS II sample directory, located in:
c:\Program Files\ZiLOG\ZDSII_<product>_<version>
\samples\<processor type>_<demo name>
Start ZDS II for the Z8 Encore! XP
F64xx Series ICE and follow the
instructions below to run