Z8 Encore! XP
F1680 28-Pin Series Development Kit
User Manual
F1680 28-Pin Series Development Board
Key features of Z8 Encore! XP F1680 28-Pin Series development board
Z8 Encore!
MCU (28-pin SOIC, Z8F1680SJ020SG)
3 LEDs
RS-232 interface
Two push buttons, RESET and TEST
5 V DC power connector
On-Chip Debugger interface
20 MHz crystal (Y1)
Header for ADC input
Prototyping area
External interface connectors JP1 and JP2
2.7 V to 3.6 V operating voltage with 5 V-tolerant inputs
The Z8 Encore! XP F1680 28-Pin Series MCU is member of a family of
microcontroller products based upon the 8-bit eZ8
CPU. The
Flash in-circuit programming capability allows for faster development
time and program changes in the field. The eZ8 CPU is upward compati-
ble with existing Z8
instructions. The rich peripheral set of the
Z8 Encore! XP F1680 28-Pin Series makes it suitable for various applica-
tions including motor control, security systems, home appliances,
personal electronic devices, and sensors.