MS220K and MSR220K
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The applicant must observe safety rules and standards.
The trip relays must be installed within rooms of international protection class IP 54 or better.
The device can be mounted:
on 35 mm standard rail EN 60715
with screws of type M4 for wall fastening
When installing the device into the switchgear cabinet, please observe the max. admissible
temperature. Care for both, sufficient clearance to other devices or sources of heat or enough forced
draught. If cooling is made more difficult, e.g. close devices with increased surface temperature or by
handicap of airflow cooling, the permissible ambient temperature has to be reduced.
Trouble – shooting and remedies
Relay does not pick up. Please check
The supply voltage Us at terminals A1-A2. With ready for use equipment type MS the green LED shines;
with type MSR the inserted RESET button shines green.
The PTC’s at terminals T1-T2
In the case of disturbance the red LED shines, with type MSR the inserted
RESET button shines red.
The resistance of a PTC circuit must be at 0 Ω < R < 1500 Ω. The terminal voltage T1-T2 is to be
measured < 2,5 V with connected PTC <1500 Ω.
Attention! Check PTC’s only with measuring voltages of < 2.5 V.
With relay type MSR please push the Reset button. The relay can pick up at resistance R <1,65 kΩ. LED
(or RESET button) changes from red to green. Alternatively reset can be done with closing an external
contact at terminals Y1-Y2 or with power recovery.
Relay does not release. Please check
With no PTC sensor connected the PTC Trip Relay must release. The voltage at terminals T1-T2 must be
approx. 8 V.
In case of any other malfunctions, replace device. Please add a description of the occurred malfunction when
sending back for repair.