4.2 Minimum space requirement
In order to ensure suf
cient ventilation of the device, clearance on all sides of at least
50 mm has to be maintained to the housing walls, switch cabinet doors, wiring ducts, etc.
The same clearance applies to the installation of several devices next to each other.
When installing several devices on top of each other, the danger of reciprocal heating
exists. This layout is only then permissible when the air suctioned from the upper unit
does not become warmer than the permissible ambient temperature (see Technical
data). I.e., a correspondingly larger clearance or thermal shielding is required.
4.3 Mains connection
The mains connection is made at the terminals: PE, L1, N. In this regard, it is essential to
ensure that the mains voltage lies within the allowable tolerance speci
cations (see
technical data and rating plate af
xed to the side).
The mains voltage must comply with the EN 50160 quality characteristics and the
ned standard voltages in IEC 60038!
Danger due to electric current
The integrated autotransformer is not short-circuit-proof; it is essential to note the size of
the internal fuse and the maximum prefuse (see technical data)!
4.4 Motor connection
The motor leads are connected to the terminals: PE, U1, U2. Several fans can be
connected to the controller - the maximum total current of all motors must not exceed the
current rating for the controller.
Motor thermostats cannot be connected to these controller. I.e. a separate motor
protection is required. We cannot under any circumstances accept liability for damage to
the motors which do not have the required motor protection. It is recommended that
every fan is equipped with a separate motor protection unit e.g. type S-ET10!
Operating Instructions
R-E-1.5...14G, RUE-2...7.5G
L-BAL-E191-GB 1735 Index 003