Motherboard Installation
Page 7
Installation Precautions
During installation and initial test, use caution to avoid personal injury and damage to wiring due to
sharp pins on connectors and printed circuit assemblies, rough chassis edges and corners, and hot
components. Adhere to warnings and limitations regarding accessibility into areas designated only for
authorized technical personnel.
A Quick Introduction
To Install and operate your the new motherboard, you must follow the steps below:
Set Jumpers on the motherboard
Install the CPU with cooling fan
Install RAM modules
Connect cables, wires and power connector
Install expansion cards
Jumpers Setting
There are several user-adjustable jumpers on the board, which allow you to configure your system to
match your requirements. This chapter contains the information on the various jumpers settings and
connector on your motherboard.
Jumpers are used to make several hardware settings on the motherboard. From the “Map of the
Motherboard” shown above, you can identify the location of the jumpers. There are two kinds of
jumper on-board, 2-pin jumper and 3-pin jumper. On the symbol of jumper likes “
”, “
inside stands for pin 1. To set a jumper, a black cap containing metal contacts is placed across the
jumper pin/s according to your required configuration. The jumper settings will also be described
numerically such as [open] for open, [short] for short, [1-2] for connect pins 1&2, [2-3] for connects
pins 2&3 respectively.
Black cap
Pin 1 symbol on
the silk screen
Pin 1
Pin 3
Pin 2
Users are not recommended to change any jumpers in it’s default setting listed on this
User’s Guide. Changing the jumper settings improperly may affect the system