E.2 MAinTEnAncE TO BE DOnE By AUThORizED TEchniciAn
E.3 MAinTEnAncE TAsKs
The following maintenance tasks need to be done on a regular base:
E.3.1 cleaning the outer- and inner surface of the stove
clean the surface of the stove with (hot) water and soap. do not use abrasive or sol-
vent based cleaning products as this might result in damage to the surface finish.
E.3.2 cleaning bottomgrate bars and ash pan
Surplus of ash must be removed regularl�. Note the combustion of the wood inside
the stove is better when there is a little la�er of ash in the ash pan.
Before taking out the ash pan remove remaining ash from the bottomgrate bars b�
shaking the de�ashing mechanism firml� (see picture 3) if necessar� use a brush.
To empt� the ash from the ash pan, open the ash pit door and slide out the ash pan
(see picture 5). Securel� slide back the ash pan after empt�ing and cleaning it.
professional inspection and maintenan-
ce of stove (& flue s�stem)
twice per season, first time at begin-
ning of season
Cleaning/sweeping the chimne�/flue
twice per season, first time at begin-
ning of season
replacing parts not mentioned in this
upon signalling damages
connection of the stove to the chim-
twice per season, first time at begin-
ning of season
all other maintenance not specificall�
mentioned in this manual.
once per season, first time at beginning
of season
cleaning of the fan
twice per season, first time at the be-
ginning of heating season
• Onl� provide maintenance to the stove after verif�ing the stove has inter
nall� and externall� cooled down completel�!
• Unplug the stove from electricit� prior to each maintenance task.
Make sure all the ash in the ash pan is completel� cooled down to room
temperature as dangerous (fire / burning) situations will occur when the ash
pan is removed and/or emptied when the ash is still hot or when the ash
contains burning parts!
The ash pan might contain ver� light parts which can eas� float out of the
ash pan.
Picture 5: Opening the ash
pit door.
A= ash pit door. B = Ash
Open ash pit door and
slided out ash pan.
A= ash pit door. B = Ash
Picture 6, cleaning the
window pane.