— 8 — Check to see if fasteners become loose. Check to see if gap between return retainer and bucket is proper. Remove the reverse stopper and adjust the rotation direction of motor. Mount the
reverse stopper after the rotation direction is correct. Start the motor by touch and check to see if there is abnormal noise.
3.4.2 Unloaded Trial Run Race the machine for 2 hours, meanwhile adjust the tensionness of bucket belt
and remove the offset and slipping of bucket belt. Check to see if reducer leaks oil and produces abnormal noise. The bearing should not have a rise of temperature exceeding 40
and should
have good lubrication. After racing the machine for 4 hours, stop the machine and check to see if bearings,
fasteners, buckets, connecting screws of bucket belt and lubricated parts are normal.
3.5 Points for Attention in Loaded Trial Run
3.5.1 After the machine is started, materials should be fed gradually, and the running with
full load is not allowed until all is normal. If return of materials is excessive, retainer can be
adjusted. It would be better that gap between bucket and retainer is about 5-10mm.
3.5.2 To elevate the powder materials, 2 rows
of Φ6 hole can be made at the bottom of
bucket so as to reduce the negative pressure and make the feeding and discharging of powder
materials smooth.
3.5.3 The hopper should receive the materials smoothly, and feeding should be even at
the feeding inlet and excessive feeding is not allowed. If materials blockage occurs, stop the
machine in time and open the discharging flapper at the bottom of elevator foot to get rid of
materials. It is prohibited to stretch hands into the elevator foot for handling the materials in the
discharging process.
3.5.4 The reverse stopper should work reliably without reverse.
3.5.5 Bucket belt should not slip during the running with full load. If it slips, speed detector
(if any) should act and stop the machine.
3.6 Electric Control
3.6.1 See Figure 10 and Figure 11 for Diagram of Electric Control Principle.
3.6.2 The machine and electric control box should have good earthing.
3.6.3 The installation and operation of electric components should follow their operation
manuals. They are required to work safely and reliably.
4.1 Preparation and Check prior to Operation
4.1.1 Before operating the machine, please carefully read this operation manual and know
how to operate this machine correctly so as to avoid unnecessary loss;
4.1.2 Materials to be elevated should conform to the bucket type;
4.1.3 Before starting the machine, make regular check, that is, check the fasteners, safety
guard and lubrication.