To reset the electrical control valve, torque the cap [2] to 7 Nm.
Torque the solenoid valves to 27 Nm if they have been replaced or removed.
Never perform this operation on both valves at once, as both clutches will engage at the same
time and cause the transmission to lock up.
You are advised to use a thrust bearing to reduce the inevitable axial strain on the gearbox.
Performance data for the propeller shaft bearing will depend on the loads applied during operation,
and must be specified by the designer and builder of the boat.
The alignment must be checked with the boat in the water, as the deformation of the hull in the water
is enough to alter an alignment done on stands.
0.05 max
0.1 max
min. 500 for d
60 mm
min. 1000 for d 60 ÷
90 mm
min. 2000 for d
90 mm
V-DRIVE gearbox is not flanged directly on to the engine. Make sure that the connecting cardan shaft
does not transmit vibration which could damage the transmission.
V-DRIVE gearbox is installed separately, with a drive shaft and the foundation mounting can be either
rigid or elastic.
If necessary, in addition to the normal flexible coupling fitted to the engine, fit an extra damper to
absorb the vibration caused by an imperfect alignment.
Fig. 1
Fig. 3
Fig. 2
Plus d'informations sur : www.dbmoteurs.fr