Zero Emission Vehicles Australia
Motor Controller Assembly Manual
• Cut two strips of thermal sheet, 160x20mm for MC600C or 256x20mm for MC1000C, and
attach to either side of the heat block, about 1mm down from the top and 1mm in from each
• Attach power boards to heat block with M4x6 screws, ensuring orientation matches the
picture below with respect to hole for temperature sensor.
• Insert IRFP4668 transistors on the side with the gate drivers and STTH6002 diodes on the
other side. Do a visual confirmation of part numbers as you go - fitting an incorrect part would
be troublesome.
• Hold transistors and diodes against the heat block while puncturing the thermal sheet
through the mounting holes using a small scribe or similar small pointy tool. This is so the
screws that will clamp the transistors and diodes to the heat block can pass through the
thermal sheet.
• Fasten the transistors and diodes to the heat block using M3x35 screws and nyloc nuts. Hold
the transistors and diodes to the thermal sheet while inserting the screws to avoid lifting the
thermal sheet.
• Solder the legs of the power transitors and diodes to the power boards. A high power
soldering iron (60W+) with a large chisel tip will be needed, and it is most effective to apply
the iron on the side with the PCB track going to the busbars (which varies for different legs).
Do a visual inspection of solder joints to verify they are tidy, then trim legs off with sidecutters
(nice and short as per picture below). Remove M4x6 screws. Solder 3- and 4-way right-angle
pin headers to the power board at the end with the temperature sensor hole.
• The busbars will usually need some preparation. It is best to slightly chamfer all holes to
remove any burrs from machining, give all contact surfaces a light sanding, and apply a very
thin layer of contact grease such as Noalox. A rotary wire brush in a drill works well for
cleaning the larger power terminals.