OS 5000 base unit- and stand unit version
- carefully unpack the the box consisting of:
- scanner base unit including power supply unit
- top light lamp set, each one for left and right side with power cable 220V
- scanner head with built-in SCSI-interface pcb
- cable, scan head - power supply unit
- SCSI - cable, scan head - server pc (optional)
- SCSI-interface pcb (ADAPTEC, optional)
- OMNISCAN 8.0 scanner software with DONGLE (optional)
- OMNISCAN COPYSCAN software with DONGLE (optional)
Installation of the OS 5000
Install the OS 5000 base unit only on a sturdy, non vibrating table resp. one of the
ZEUTSCHEL document tables (OT 180, etc.) for best quality results. The OS 5000 SU
is a stand alone version and has to be installed directly on an even non-vibrating floor.
The document tables can be easily rolled-in and -out.
Fix the top light lamp set for the left and right side.
Finaly install the scanner head at the scanner head rest of the column.
Attention! Please take of first the transport security set inside the scan head.
Please check with the help of a precision water level that the scan head is absolutely
parallel installed to the book cradle and that also the scanner column is absolutely
vertical installed.
Now you can connect the power cable from the scan head to the power supply unit
which is fixed at the rear side of the column. Plug in the power cable of each lamp set
and finally install the SCSI- cable "scan head - server pc".
Before you switch on the power please re-check the correct installation.
Lamp adjustment
The lamp sets have to be installed in an angle position to achieve an even illumination
on top of the book cradle. For the pre-adjustment you can use a luxmeter, however final
adjustments have to be done by testing. Please take care that there is no lamp
reflection in the document scan-area. It is recommended to adjust the lamp arms for the
maximung scan area DIN A1 (D-size). Smaller documents can be scanned with the
same lamp position, however for thick books you can achieve better results espescially
of the book gatter by turning the lamps to a more vertical position.