camera’s microphone by clicking on the Disable button. Make sure to click on Sync Settings to DVR
and keep the camera’s three-way switch in the Custom mode. The mic is enabled in Surveillance and
On-the-go modes. It’s also enabled by default when selecting High Quality Video recording in
Custom mode. It is disabled for Medium- and Low-quality recording.
LED On / Off
For the most clandestine surveillance in a less-than-secure space, you’ll want to minimize the chances
of giving away the camera’s position from a lit LED. You can disable the multi-colored light entirely.
After clicking on the LED Off setting, make sure to click on Sync Settings to DVR and keep the
camera’s switch in Custom mode.
The LED is set to On in Surveillance and On-the-go modes. It’s set to On by default in Custom mode.
Tip: It may not be prudent to disable the LED. You’re also disabling the camera’s status indicators.
Continuous video recordings are comprehensive, but they consume storage and make locating
incidents laborious. Alternatively, you can set the camera to start video recording by using up to three
triggers: voice, vibration and/or motion. The camera’s responsiveness to these triggers each can be
adjusted according to three levels of sensitivity.
Voice-Trigger Sensitivity
In the case of the camera’s microphone picking up a voice or voices to trigger recording, you can
adjust the mic sensitivity to High, Medium, or Low. If the goal is to trigger a recording from people
yelling or shouting, set the sensitivity to Low. If it makes more sense to trigger a recording from
people whispering, set the sensitivity to High. If you’re not sure, set it to Medium. You should
experiment to see which setting is best in the intended environment.
Once triggered, a recording will continue for 2 minutes, then return to standby until triggered again.
After choosing a voice-sensitivity trigger in the Zetta Widget software, make sure to click on Sync
Settings to DVR and keep the camera’s switch in Custom mode. Voice triggering is disabled in
Surveillance and On-the-go modes. In Custom mode, it’s set for high sensitivity during High Video
Quality; medium for Medium quality and low for Low quality. The Widget software’s voice-trigger is
disabled by default.
Vibration-Trigger Sensitivity