The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. Zetronix Corporation shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or
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Setting Time and Date
Setting the time and date stamp on your device is easy. Simply create a .txt file on your computer and name it
“time” In that file you will enter the date and time in the following format: Year.Month.Date Hour:Minute:Second
Y (Ex. 2012.04.26 16:20:00 Y) Setting Time and Date
To turn the time and date stamp off in the end string change Y to N Ex. 2011, 2012.04.26 16:20:00 N
There is also a sample txt file on the included CD and glasses in the drivers and manuals folder.
Once you’ve created the file, connect the device to your computer via USB and save the .txt file to the device’s
root directory NOT IN ANY OF THE SUB FOLDERS. When you connect the device to your computer, it will be
assigned a drive letter (ex. C:, D:, E:). When you open that drive, you are in the root directory, or topmost level
of the drive.
After you have loaded the file, safely disconnect the device from your computer, turn the device on and off, and
the time and date you loaded should now appear on any new videos and photos you record.
Video Playback on your TV
To play back the recorded video files on your TV without using your computer, first turn the glasses on by
pressing the ON/OFF Operation button. Connect the included cable one end to the mini USB port of the
glasses and connect the other end to your TV video input. Connect the red RCA plug to audio and yellow RCA
to video. To start playing the video press the ON/OFF Operation button, press the button again to pause the
video. To resume playback press the ON/OFF button again. If there are no video files recorded on the glasses
the TV will display ‘NO IMAGE”
Changes the Lenses
The zShades-HDi are equipped with interchangeable lenses, the lenses can be removed from dark, to clear
and yellow. To remove the lenses please start with one of the arms and pull the lenses out outwards. To
insert the lenses back in start from the side and push the lenses inwards.