ZeroGravity Audio (2017)
Envelope Generator
The audio signal is converted into a control signal (envelope) which can be used to modulate
saturation, cutoff and resonance.
EXT SOURCE selects main inputs (both channels summed) or external input as signal source for
generating the envelope.
SENS selects NORmal or HI sensitivity (gain). When normal is selected, the circuit will generate a
maximum envelope with 0dBu signal input on both channels (or ext input). If high is selected,
levels of -12dBu will generate a maximum envelope.
FILTER selects a low or hipass filter (or none) on the input signal of the envelope generator. In
lowpass, frequencies above 150Hz are attenuated, so the envelope generator will only respond to
bass frequencies. In hipass, frequencies below 300Hz are attenuated, so the envelope will not
respond to bass frequencies.
ATTACK sets the envelope rise time when the audio level increases.
RELEASE sets the envelope fall time when the audio level decreases.
The FAST A/R switch at the saturation control selects an envelope signal with fixed (fast) attack-
release setting to modulate the amount of saturation. The attack and release controls now only affect
the envelope used for modulating cutoff and resonance.