Betapack 4 User Manual v1
Page 8 of 12
At step 5 above, if the selected step is at the end of the
sequence, holding both the ‘Up & Down’ Arrows will
clear the selected step.
Preheat can be selected on a per channel or all channel
basis. The preheat level is 5% and cannot be adjusted.
Select ‘Preheat’ by cycling through the modes using the
‘Mode’ button.
Select required channel or ‘A’ for all channels, using the
‘Up & Down’ Arrows and press ‘Enter’, to confirm.
Now select on/off using the ‘Up & Down’ Arrows. Press
‘Enter’ to confirm and return to the channel selection.
Note that Preheat is only applied if there is a DMX input
present, and the law is not set to ‘Switch’.
Topset can be selected on a per channel or all channel
basis. On Betapack 4, Topset is applied as a limiting
(not scaling) value.
Select ‘Topset’ by cycling through the modes using the
‘Mode’ button.
Select required channel or ‘A’ for all channels, using the
‘Up & Down’ Arrows and press ‘Enter’, to confirm.
Now select the topset level you require, again using the
‘Up & Down’ Arrows and press ‘Enter’ to confirm and
return to the channel selection.
Note that if the law is set to ‘Switch’, the setting in
Topset will instead be used to determine the switchpoint.
The ‘Topset’ LED will flash in this case, to indicate the
setting being made.
Dimmer laws
Three dimmer laws are available, which can be selected
per channel.
Select ‘Law’ mode using the ‘Mode’ button. Using the
‘Up & Down’ Arrows select the channel required, or ‘A’
for all channels. Press ‘Enter’ to confirm. Now select the
law you require, again using the ‘Up & Down’ Arrows
and press ‘Enter’ to confirm and return to the channel
Output Law
Main Display
Note that if the law is set to Switch, the switchpoint can
be set in the ‘Topset’ menu.