Betapack 4 User Manual v1
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Configuration & settings
Betapack 4 distributes both dimming and “hot power” to
a mixed rig of both tungsten and LED fixtures. Each of
the six channels are capable of driving up to 10Amp
Betapack 4 features MCBs as standard. When dimming,
there are preheat, topset and 3 laws per channel, 12
memories, 3 99-step sequences, local control and DMX
patch per channel.
An isolated DMX512-A input and loop-through allow for
remote operation. When the loop-through plug is not
inserted, the DMX line is automatically terminated.
The DMX control port supports RDM (Remote Device
Management) functionality.
Control interface
The main display consists of four seven-segment
displays; the data displayed is dependent on the set-up
mode of Betapack 4. Around the outside of these
displays are eight red LEDs which indicate the current
set-up mode of Betapack 4. An additional green LED is
used for DMX indication.
Betapack 4 has a default mode for operation. In this
mode none of the set-up mode LEDs will be lit, and the
main display will show the DMX address(es).
Mode button
The Mode button is used to cycle through the different
set-up modes. They are;
- Manual control
- DMX address
- DMX fail
- Memory
- Sequence
- Preheat
- Topset
- Law
Enter button
The Enter button is used to confirm actions.
Up & Down Buttons
These are used to adjust the values shown in the main
display. Pressing both buttons together will reset the
display to the default values.
Default mode
If a block patch has been set (see ‘DMX Address’
below), then the display will show the DMX start address
of the block.
If individual DMX addresses have been set for each
channel, then the ‘Up & Down’ Arrows can be used to
select which DMX address to display, or alternatively if
‘Auto’ is selected, then the display will cycle through all
six DMX addresses. In either case, the DMX address is
prefixed by the channel number.
Holding down the ‘Enter’ button in default mode will
change the display to ‘Out’, and the top 6 setup LEDs
(numbered) will change to displaying an indication of the
current output levels. Each LED will be lit if the current
output level for that channel is greater than 20%.
Channel test
While keeping the ‘Enter’ button held down in Default
Mode, use the ‘Up & Down’ Arrows to set a level of
100% on a single channel. Release the ‘Enter’ button to
remove this level.
Setup modes
Manual control
The Manual Control Mode allows you to set-up a look on
Betapack 4 without using an external controller.
Select ‘Manual’ mode using the ‘Mode’ button. The
display will show C.LLL, where C is the channel number
and LLL is the level. Select the channel you require or
‘A’ for all channels, using the ‘Up & Down’ Arrows and
press ‘Enter’. Now set the level you require using the
‘Up & Down’ Arrows and press ‘Enter’ again to confirm
and move back to the channel selection.
The Manual Control levels are reset to zero if power to
Betapack 4 is lost.
Configuration & settings affect the “Dim” sockets only. The
“hot power” sockets will be unaffected by these settings.