Pump Maintenance
3. Examine each plunger, looking for a smooth surface free of
any scoring, cracks, or pitting. Any defective plungers should
be removed per PLUNGER REMOVAL.
4. Discard and replace any defective plungers.
5. Reinstall the plunger per PLUNGER INSTALLATION.
6. Reinstall head per HEAD INSTALLATION.
Plunger Removal
NOTE: When the plunger screw is removed, it is important to install new
o-ring, anti-extrusion, and copper washers.
1. When the plunger screw is removed, it is important to install a
new o-ring, anti-extrusion, and copper washers.
2. Remove the plunger retaining screw by turning
counterclockwise. Remove and replace copper washer.
3. Remove and discard o-ring and anti-extrusion ring from
retainer screw.
4. Remove the plunger from the cross head and examine it for
cracks, scoring, or pitting.
5. Remove and discard copper flinger washer, clean with solvent
and allow to dry.
Plunger Installation
1. Install the copper flinger washer onto the cross head.
2. Slide the plunger onto the crosshead.
3. Lubricate an o-ring with crankcase oil and install into the
groove on the plunger screw. Install the anti-extrusion ring