There are five default groups: Friends, Family, VIP, Business and Other, you can edit the contact
in the group, add a specific ring tone, etc.
Phb Settings
User can check memory status, preferred storage, fields, etc.
Call Center
Call History
SIM1/SIM2 Call History
SIM1/SIM2 Missed Calls
Check the recent missed calls.
SIM1/SIM2 Dial Calls
Check the recent dialed calls.
SIM1/SIM2 Received Calls
Check the recent received calls.
SIM1/SIM2 Rejected Calls
Check the recent Rejected calls.
Delete SIM1/SIM2 Call History
You can delete the missed calls, dialed calls, received
calls or all the calls lists.
Call Timers
You can do the following options
Last call time: Check the latest call duration.
Total sent: Check the total duration of dialed calls.
Total received: Check the total duration of received calls.
Reset all time: Clear all the duration record.
SIM1/SIM2 Call Cost:
Last call cost: Check the latest call‟s cost.
Total cost: Check all the calls‟ cost.
Reset cost: Clear all the call units‟ record.
Max cost: You have to input PIN2.
Price per unit: You have to input PIN2.
SIM1/SIM2 GPRS Counter
Check the last sent, last received, all sent and all received data
amount or reset the counter.
Auto Timer
Turn on/off and auto limit call time.