S Abc
Smart Abc
Multitap ABC
Multitap abc
2-9 key
: input the letter on the keys when input smart Pinyin or smart English.
* Key
: input punctuation
Inputting methods Explanation
Smart English
Smart English (En): Press 0 key for space, and all punctuations are on 1 key
Continuous input 844704702083790466304678806384631, there will be “This is a very good
input method”, and then press OK to input.
English Input Method
English input method (Including English capital and small letter)
English Input is generally done in the following way:
Every key is set to input multi characters. Fast repeatedly press the key until the
character you want appears. Wait for the cursor to move and then input the next
When you need to input English punctuation mark and certain distinctive marks,
under the English input method (including Capital and small letter), press * key to
choose the appropriate punctuation mark.
Press # to switch inputting method.
If you need a space between two words press 0 key once.
to delete wrong input, hold
to delete all the message.
Number Input Method
Number input method is generally done this way:
Press 0-9 key to input the needed number.
Press # to switch inputting method.
to delete wrong input, hold
to delete all the message.
Manual Input
English: write English letter in the touchpad to input English.
Number: write number in the touchpad to input number.
Symbol: there are some symbols in the screen bottom and it can be selected directly.