Put the fruit or vegetables into the chute after you start
up the juice extractor.
In case the product is blocked in the chute or on the ilter
pulping blade, use the
function. If the problem
still exists, switch the appliance off, disassemble and
The fresh juice nutritive value is close to fruit and
vegetables nutritive value, but part of ibre is eliminated
during juice centrifuging process. That is why the juice
can be consumed by people, who can not eat raw
vegetables due to digestions problems.
Juice drinks are specially recommended for children and
elderly people nourishment.
It is recommended to have a small amount of water while
drinking vegetable juices, which are very strong. If the
juices are not diluted, a daily dose should not exceed
a half of glass.
Fruit juices are easier to digest so it is possible to drink
a big amount of them: 3 up to 4 glasses per day between
Juices should be consumed immediately after preparing,
and drunk in sips. When drinking juice slowly, it mixes
with saliva, which makes digestion easier. Drunk too fast
and in too big quantity the juice is not properly absorbed.
You should not mix fruit with vegetables apart from
apples. Melon juice shouldn’t be mixed with other fruit
You shouldn’t store juice for later consumption.
Vegetable juices can be diluted with lukewarm, boiled
water, mineral water, milk, whey, sweeten, or lavoured
another way.
You can prepare chasers of juice.
The following fragrance spices can be used for vegetable
juices: pepper, dill, caraway, nutmeg, thyme, marjoram,
and for fruit juices: vanilla, cinnamon and clove. It is
necessary to mince the spices carefully to obtain full
fragrance. The spices should be used in small amount
to keep natural fragrance and lavour of the juice basic
products. Due to low caloricity, fruit and vegetable juices
are recommended for people on a slimming diet.
Fruit and vegetable juices are served in room temperature
or cooled with ice cubes.
Salty sticks, crackers and toasts can be good snacks for
vegetable juices, as biscuits, cakes, sponge cakes for
fruit juices.
The juice obtained of some fruit and vegetables has
tendency to self-condensing. Such phenomena results
from the properties of used products and does not
depend on the appliance.
Fresh juice is healthy
Carrot juice
It accelerates metabolism since it contains
microelements and vitamins necessary for the
body to function properly.
Vitamin A, produced from carotene, improves
sight. The ingredients of this juice eliminate
harmful effects of nicotine, restores the natural healthy colour
of the skin. Half a glass of carrot juice and half a glass of milk
is recommended for little children. Carrot juice in combination
with apple juice is recommended as an energizing drink for
elderly people.
Tomato juice
Ripe and fresh tomatoes produce juice of an
excellent quality. Tomato juice may be mixed
with all other vegetable juices. It contains
a lot of vitamin A and C.
Two glasses of this juice covers a daily demand of vitamin C.
Salt and pepper enhance the taste of the juice.
Beetroot juice
Beetroot juice in combination with orange juice
gives a drink of an excellent taste. This juice in
a pure form may be drunk only upon a doctor’s
Cabbage juice
This juice is applied in treatment of gastric
ulcers, however only upon a doctor’s
recommendation. When mixed with carrot
juice, it may be drunk by those with sensitive
Spinach juice
This juice is highly hematopoietic,
however due to a strong smell it is
recommended to mix it with carrot juice.
Spinach juice, carrot juice and celery
juice mixed in equal amounts give a tasty
Celery juice
Do not use celery leaves because of their
bitter taste. The juice from a root of a celery
is very tasty. It can be mixed with other
vegetable juices. It should be drunk in smaller
amounts than carrot juice. Adding apple juice
or lemon improves the taste of the juice.
Cucember juice
It is naturally bland and it should be mixed with
apple, carrot or celery juice. Cucumber juice is
used for skin care. It also ilters kidneys. It is
recommended for slimming treatment.