background image


How to use

Attaching accessories

In order to attach the accessory to the brush fix it to the air outlet and press. In order to detach the accessory, press the release button 


 and remove 

the accessory from the brush. Always switch off the appliance before changing accessories.


Plug in the appliance. The curling brush has three airflow speed and temperature modes 



Off mode.

Low speed and low temperature mode.

High speed and high temperature mode.

High speed and low temperature mode.

To start styling set the switch 


 in the desired position.

Using attachments

1. Concentrator

Use the concentrator while using the curling brush for drying hair. Thanks to this attachment the airflow is concentrated and the hair is dried faster. We 

recommend to start drying hair using the second airflow speed and temperature mode and after a while to change the mode into the first one. To set 

your hairstyle switch to cold shot 


, sliding the button to the uppermost position.

2. Curler

The curler is used to style tight curls. Wrap a strand of hair around the curler. Switch on the appliance by setting the button 


 to the "1" or "2" position. 

Dry hair. Then you can change the setting to cold shot in order to set your hairstyle.

3. Styling brush

The styling brush is used to smooth hair or style it in waves. The brush adds volume at the roots of the hair. If you want to curl your hair, wrap a strand of 

hair around the brush. Set the button 


 to the "1" or "2" position. Dry hair. Then you can change the setting to cold shot in order to set your hairstyle.

4. Round brush with retractable bristles.

The round brush with retractable bristles is used to style curls. Turn the ring in the upper part of the attachment clockwise to extend the bristles. To 

retract the bristles, turn the ring anticlockwise. If you want to curl your hair, wrap a strand of hair around the brush. Switch on the appliance by setting 

the button to the "1" or "2" position. Dry hair. Then you can change the setting to cold shot in order to set your hairstyle.

Cleaning and maintenance

The curling brush is intended for household use only.


Always switch off the curling brush by sliding the button 



 to the 0 position and unplug the appliance.

The housing can be wiped with a damp cloth, however it needs to be wiped dry afterwards.


Do not use abrasive detergents such as emulsions, cream cleaners, polishes, etc. to clean the external elements. They may remove the graphic 


information symbols such as: scales, marks, warning signs etc.

Summary of Contents for 33Z020

Page 1: utas t s HAJS T VASAS HAJSZ R T ZELMER 33Z020 T pus N vod na pou itie KULMOF N NA VLASY ZELMER Typ 33Z020 Instruc iuni de folosire ONDULATOR USC TOR DE P R ZELMER Tip 33Z020 ZELMER T 33Z020 ZELMER...

Page 2: ...w miejscu gdzie mo e ono wpa do wody lub by ni ochlapane Nie u ywaj podczas k pieli Lok wko suszarka powinna by stosowana jedynie do suszenia w os w Upewnij si czy elementy wyposa enia s suche na zew...

Page 3: ...ygni cie Nie stosuj nie zalecanych nasadek U ywaj lok wko suszarki jedynie w spos b zgodny z jej przeznaczeniem jak to jest opisane w niniejszej instrukcji UWAGA Do zapewnienia dodatkowej ochrony wska...

Page 4: ...ja zgodno ci CE znajduje si na stronach www zelmer pl Temperatura nadmuchu oko o 81 C przy najszybszym ustawieniu i w odleg o ci 5 cm Pr dko powietrza oko o 9 3 m s przy najszybszym ustawieniu i w od...

Page 5: ...bra ustawienie nadmuchu zimnego powietrza przesuwaj c suwak 4 maksymalnie do g ry 2 Lok wka Lok wka s u y do uk adania mocno skr conych w os w Zawi pasmo w os w wok lok wki W cz urz dzenie ustawiaj c...

Page 6: ...ym niedost pnym dla dzieci miejscu Nigdy nie zwijaj przewodu zasilaj cego wok lok wko suszarki poniewa powoduje to ryzyko przedwczesnego zu ycia i przerwania przewodu Nale y post powa z przewodem ostr...

Page 7: ...t ebi nepou vejte b hem koup n P stroj m e b t pou v n pouze na su en vlas Ujist te se e p slu enstv je zevnit i uvnit such a teprve pot je na p stroj nasazujte Dojde li b hem pou v n k po kozen p str...

Page 8: ...pou it mohou b t hork Vy kejte dokud nevychladnou Nepou vejte nedoporu ovan n stavce Pou vejte p stroj pouze v souladu s jeho ur en m jak je uvedeno v tomto n vodu k obsluze UPOZORN N K zaji t n doda...

Page 9: typov m t tku Teplota oh van ho vzduchu kolem 81 C p i nejrychlej m nastave n a ve vzd lenosti 5 cm Rychlost vzduchu kolem 9 3 m s p i nejrychlej m nastaven a ve vzd lenosti 5 cm Druh proudov ochr...

Page 10: ...lit chladn j proud n vzduchu p esunut m p ep na e 4 maxim ln nahoru 2 Kulma Kulma slou ke tvarov n siln kade av ch vlas Pramen vlas namotejte na kart Zapn te p stroj um st n m sp na e 4 v poloze 1 neb...

Page 11: ...y m ly b t vr ceny k nov mu zhodnocen Obal z kartonu lze odevzdat do sb ren star ho pap ru Pytl k z polyetyl nu PE PE HD PE LD odevzdejte do sb ren PE k op tn mu zu itkov n Po ukon en ivotnosti spot e...

Page 12: ...e je riziko ostriekania vodou Zariadenie sa nesmie pou va po as k pe a Kulmof n pou vajte iba na su enie vlasov Uistite sa e pr slu enstvo ktor budete s kulmof nom pou va je z vn tornej a vonkaj ej st...

Page 13: ...N stavce m u by hor ce po as a po pou it Nechajte ich vychladn N stavce ktor sa neodpor aj sa nesm pou va Pou vajte kulmof n len v s lade s jeho ur en m pod a tohto n vodu na obsluhu POZOR Pre dodato...

Page 14: ...a en m CE na v robnom t tku Teplota pr du vzduchu cca 81 C pri najvy ej r chlosti a vo vzdia lenosti 5 cm R chlos vzduchu cca 9 3 m s pri najvy ej r chlosti a vo vzdiale nosti 5 cm Druh ochrany proti...

Page 15: m ete zvoli nastavenie studen ho pr du vzduchu posunut m posuvn ho prep na a 4 maxim lne hore 2 Kulma Kulma sa pou va na pravu ve mi ku erav ch vlasov Navi te pramienok vlasov na kulmu Zapnite zar...

Page 16: ...nov zhodnotenie Kart nov obal odovzdajte do zberne star ho papiera Vreck z polyetyl nu PE PE HD PE LD odo vzdajte do zberne PE na op tovn zu itkovanie Po ukon en ivotnosti spotrebi zlikvidujte prostre...

Page 17: ...rolja olyan helyen ahol v zbe eshet vagy v z fr ccsenhet r Ne haszn lja f rd s k zben A hajs t vasas hajsz r t t csak haj sz r t s ra haszn lja Ellen rizze hogy a k sz l k tartoz kai k v lr l bel lr l...

Page 18: ...t tartoz kokat ne haszn lja A hajs t vasas hajsz r t t csak a haszn lati utas t sban le rtaknak megfelel en rendeltet sszer en haszn lja FIGYELEM A nagyobb biztons g rdek ben a f rd szoba ramell t s t...

Page 19: ...aton CE jelz ssel van ell tva A kif jt leveg h m rs klete kb 81 C a legnagyobb sebess gn l s 5 cm es t vols gb l A l gf v s sebess ge kb 9 3 m s a legnagyobb sebess gn l s 5 cm es t vols gb l ram t s...

Page 20: ...ezdeni majd egy bizonyos id ut n a tol kapcsol t 4 az els sebess gfokozatra ll tani A frizura r gz t se c lj b l a hideg leveg f v sa v laszthat a tol kapcsol t 4 maxim lisan felfel tolva 2 Hajs t vas...

Page 21: ...elhaszn l d s t s a vezet k megt r s t okozhatja A k bellel vatosan b njon hogy hossz ideig m k d k pes maradjon ne r ngassa ne csavarja s ne h zza k l n sen a h l zati dug nak a konnektorb l t rt n...

Page 22: poate c dea n ap sau poate fi stropit cu ap Nu folosi i aparatul atunci c nd face i baie Ondulatorul usc tor de p r trebuie folosit numai pentru uscarea p rului Asigura i v c accesoriile sunt us...

Page 23: ...mularea de c ldur n interiorul aparatului Accesoriile se pot nfierb nta n timpul folosirii aparatului L sa i le s se r ceasc Nu folosi i accesorii nerecomandate pentru aparat Folosi i ondulatorul usc...

Page 24: ...cifica ii tehnice Temperatura curentului de aer cca 81 C folosirea cea mai rapid la o distan de 5 cm Viteza aerului cca 9 3 m s folosirea cea mai rapid la o distan de 5 cm Tipul de protec ie mpotriva...

Page 25: ...uscarea p rului la viteza a doua i dup un anumit timp s fixa i glisorul 4 la viteza nt i Pentru a ob ine o coafur rezistent se poate folosi reglarea la curent de aer rece deplas nd glisorul 4 n jos p...

Page 26: ...ntreruperea cablului de alimentare Trebuie s manevra i cablul de alimentare cu grij pentru a evita ag rierea sa r sucirea sau tragerea sa ndeosebi de tec r Dac n timpul utiliz rii aparatului cablul s...

Page 27: ...27 27 29 29 30 31 31 RU...

Page 28: ...28 RCD 30...

Page 29: ...29 ZELMER LVD 2006 95 EC EMC 2004 108 EC CE T o 81 C 5 c o 9 3 5 c II 1 2 3 4 5...

Page 30: ...30 2 4 0 O 1 O 2 O O 4 1 4 4 2 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 4 4 1 2...

Page 31: ...31 4 0 K PE...

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Page 33: ...33 RCD 30 mA...

Page 34: ...34 ZELMER LVD 2006 95 EC EMC 2004 108 EC CE 81 C 5 9 3 m s 5 II 1 2 3 4 5...

Page 35: ...35 2 4 0 1 2 4 1 4 4 2 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 4 1 2...

Page 36: ...36 4 0...

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Page 38: ...38 RCD 30 mA i i...

Page 39: ...39 ZELMER LVD 2006 95 EC EMC 2004 108 EC CE 81 C 5 9 3 5 II 1 2 3 4 5...

Page 40: ...40 2 4 0 1 2 4 1 4 4 2 4 1 2 3 1 lub 2 4 1 i 2...

Page 41: ...41 4 i i 26663 19848 5 40 1 15150...

Page 42: ...e dry on the inside and outside before attaching them to the curling brush If the curling brush is damaged while operating unplug it immediately and return it to a service center Never try to remove l...

Page 43: ...nside of it Attachments may be hot during and after use Allow them to cool before handling Do not use attachments that are not recommended Use the appliance only for its intended use as described in t...

Page 44: ...compatibility EMC 2004 108 EC The appliance was marked by the CE sign on the rating label Airflow temperature about 81 C at fastest mode 5cm distance Airflow speed about 9 3 m s at fastest mode 5cm d...

Page 45: ...Dry hair Then you can change the setting to cold shot in order to set your hairstyle 3 Styling brush The styling brush is used to smooth hair or style it in waves The brush adds volume at the roots of...

Page 46: ...either difficult nor expensive In order to do it put the cardboard packing into recycling paper container put the polyethylene PE bags into container for plastic When worn out dispose the appliance to...

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