• If the dryer has been in storage or off for an extended period of time, the Blue
Moisture Indicator (BMI), if equipped, may appear gray, the High Humidity Light (if
equipped) may be illuminated and the Dew Point Monitor (if equipped) may
indicate a high dew point. Depending upon the duration of idle time, it may take
anywhere from one to twelve hours for the light to go out, the BMI to return to its
normal blue state and the dew point to drop.
• Slowly open the outlet valve to gradually pressurize the down stream piping
• On dryers equipped with Moisture Load Control, the Purge Saver switch may be
turned “ON” to save purge air as described in Section 6.11.
When opening the outlet valve, ensure drying tower gauge maintains line
pressure. Allowing pressure to drop in the dryer will result in an overflow
-80°F and -100°F dryers require flow through the dryer to lower the pressure
dew point to design levels. Failure to permit air flow through dryer (dead-
heading) will result in elevated outlet dew points. Once air is permitted to flow
through the dryer, the pressure dew point will gradually fall to design levels.