All pursuing tasks of maintenance, service, and repair not described in this instruction
manual have to be performed by authorised Carl Zeiss service staff only.
Fingerprints can cause virtual vacuum leaks.
Always wear lint-free gloves when touching the specimen or inner parts of the chamber.
2.3. Safety devices
In order to prevent any risk of hazard to human health or to property, the 105-mm DC stage is
equipped with several safety and protective devices.
2.3.1. Chamber door interlock
The chamber door interlock is located at the inner
bottom front side of the specimen chamber.
It ensures that the door of the specimen chamber
is closed properly.
When this interlock is activated (i.e. no electrical
contact) ’
EHT Vac ready = no’
is indicated in the
user interface.
EHT and SE2 detector voltages are blocked.
2.3.2. Touch alarm
To prevent damages caused by accidental touch of a conductive sample or the specimen holder
with parts of the specimen chamber or the objective lens, there is a touch alarm. If the touch alarm
is triggered off, the stage stops and an on-screen message is shown.
2.3.3. Stage safety function in SmartSEM
When the chamber door is opened, the Z-, M-, and T-axis cannot be moved anymore.
The X-,Y-, and R-axis can only be moved with reduced velocity.