4. Having set the address number, please wait a few seconds until the controller
returns to its normal function.
Please refer to the IR transmitter manual in order to find out how to adjust its address.
Possible cause
Device is connected to
electricity, LED display
panel is empty
Connection problem
Check the power wire
connection, plug and the
Heating element does
not heat, LED display
panel shows E1 or
E2 code
Device signals emergency,
temperature sensor has
been damaged
Disconnect the device
completely from electricity,
wait for the radiator to cool
down and turn it back on
Controller is incorrectly
installed on the heating
Check if the head of
the heating element is
completely hidden. Release
the screw at the back of the
controller casing, gently
push the controller towards
the radiator and secure the
casing back
Short, single flashes of
the dash on the display
panel (in remote mode)
Controller is working
properly – flashes indicate
receipt of controlling sig-
nal from the IR transmitter
Device automatically
switched from remote
to local mode
Communication problem:
sensor is inaccessible or
the devices have been
incorrectly set against
each other
Remove any objects that
may be disrupting com-
munication between the
two devices or mount the IR
transmitter in
a different location
Heating element is
heating despite being
turned off with the
Electronics damage
Disconnect the device
completely from electricity,
wait for the radiator to cool
down and turn it back on
If the problem persists, please contact your local distributor